2020 LIFE Scenario WAR



 “Twist and Turns on Individualism”

      The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining Global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge, we have faced since world war two. Indian PM “Narendra Modi” said: “Even world war one and two did not affect as many countries as coronavirus has done,”. The coronavirus pandemic pits all of humanity against the virus. The damage of health, wealth, and well being has already been enemy, trying, to understand how to like with the threat posed by a virus. As the coronavirus pandemic has stretched around the world it sparked a crop of diary entries and essays that describe how life has changed. But the pandemic is much more than a health crisis, its also an unprecedent socioeconomic crisis. In the 2020 LIFE scenario “Twist and Turns on Individualism,” I shall highlight the way my life is going on and my surroundings too.


     One of the most future lesson that pandemic has taught us was about ourselves. Society emphasizes surface appearance. There is also a great deal of importance people give to winning at any cost. Today, to win, we often try to change who and what we are. But as a result, people lose their sense of Individualism, because of pandemic crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic been impact high on career development. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a significant global crisis that requires individuals, organizations and nations to take necessary steps to cope. The COVID-19 pandemic emerges as a stressful and even traumatic event that requires to make sense of the new situation and choose appropriate coping actions, Theories and research on individual coping, self-regulation and career transitions are of great relevance to understand individual responses and reactions to emerging stressors associates with the COVID-19 pandemic. 

To cope up with the various stressors associated with COVID-19, individuals may choose to use primary control (e.g.; directly solving the associated problems) or secondary control (e.g.; accommodating and reappraising existing problems) To cope up with the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees, such as “key workers” or “essential workers” whose jobs are vital to public health and security, are expected to continue working. For people who do not belong to the category of key workers, their work, study and daily life are also disrupted by COVID-19, especially in cultures with high power distance, high collectivism and tight norms. These people may need to use alternative ways (e.g.; study and work from home, online supervision and communication. To manage their learning and work activities. People in low power distance, high individualism or loose-norm cultures may be allowed to have some personal discretion to arrange their work and life, therefore being affected to a lesser degree and experiencing low stress.

However, the permission of more individual liberty might influence an efficiency and effectiveness of collective coping policies against the COVID-19 due to the lower compliance e.g.; Social distancing. Therefore, governments should carefully balance the considerations of collective and individual interests and effectively manage the trade offs of social control and individual liberty, in order to achieve optimal outcomes for the public. 


One of the lessons that the pandemic is most clearly teaching us is how our modern age individualist ideal is no longer working. In all more of ways, we are being confronted by how we are all in this together. If we don’t pull together- in our Friendships, in our communities, and globally- the consequences could be dire. We are also all in these together in the sense that none of us is safe from the virus ravages.

so, what is the Pandemic crisis on Individuality future lesson?

It would be easy to assume that it is simply that we need to be less competitive and more cooperative, better realize how just “looking out for number one” rarely benefits us. And if we become a bit more compassionate and do a better job of addressing disparities, that would certainly be a good thing.


    To conclude, World Health Organization WHO altered the whole world to be careful and warned that COVID-19 will last for longer time, of we neglect, it will ignite. We must continue to build upon the lessons learned so far from the management of COVID-19 and adjust our approaches to this pandemic and to other future health and environmental crises, accordingly. 

                 “hence prevention and stay at home is the only solution” 


  1. Okay! Best wishes for everyone and your loved one's ☺


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